Kaizen Blueprint Introduction: Preliminary Episode

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Aldosius Chandra (00:01)
Hello world and welcome to the Kaizen Blueprint Podcast. My name is Aldo Chandra and in this preliminary episode, we'll be talking about what the podcast is about. One thing that I want to mention is the name. The word Kaizen means continuously improvement. It's a Japanese term and it also means change for the better.

And the reason why I chose this name is because in my personal life, I feel as though there are always things that I want to improve upon, whether that's health, wealth, and relationships. And those are just the main pillars of the podcast and the guests that I will be interviewing and just solo episodes where I'll talk about the things that I have learned along the way about those three subjects.

And obviously we'll go deeper into other things as well. And the blueprint, obviously this is just a blueprint for you. You could take it, take the knowledge, take the actions and whatever it is to improve your life as it improved mine. And something different from this podcast compared to any other one that I want to hear about your feedback or people that

you think should come on, whether they're our industry experts, whether they are a health or health and tooth enthusiasts or many different walks of life. I want to learn as much as I can. And the reason why I started this podcast is one in the past two or three years, I have developed a networking skills or a networking opportunity where.

I would go for lunch or dinner or coffee to many different people once or twice a week and I have been very consistent in doing that. And I feel as though every conversations that I have with these people telling their stories, telling their...

ways of reaching to that pinnacle or the knowledge and skills that they have, I feel as though I'm being selfish and just learning about it by myself. And I wanted to share their story, their skillsets, their actions to the world with the hope of providing you, the listeners or whoever is watching this value in your own life and business and many different aspects. So,

With that regards, again, this podcast is new. I'm looking to get in more guests, more episodes in. So if you have any suggestions or people that you think I should reach out to, feel free to comment or reach out to me. And one thing that I will be doing as well is these solo episodes where I talk about the things that I've learned. Now I am not the smartest person.

ever or an expert in anything at all, but I try to take as much as I can from the conversations I have with people, the books that I've read or any other resources that I use to gain my knowledge. So without further ado, I hope that you enjoy the next few episodes and if you have any suggestions or comment, feel free to reach out and I hope that you will enjoy it. Thank you so much for watching or listening.

and I'll see you in the next one. Peace.

Kaizen Blueprint Introduction: Preliminary Episode
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